Allison's 1st Grade Promotion and Awards Ceremony was this morning...
All the 1st Graders received a promotion certificate
Ten of the scholars received certificates for being the 1st grader who best exemplifies each of the International Baccalaureate Learner Profiles. (The IB Profiles include: Inquirers, Knowledgeable, Thinkers, Communicators, Principled, Open-Minded, Caring, Risk-takers, Balanced, Reflective.)
My amazing, wonderful and SMART little girl received an award for best exemplifying KNOWLEDGEABLE.
Here's what her teacher, Mrs. John, had to say...
(It's very heard to hear, so turn the volume up!)
And here is a picture of that amazing little girl with her Promotion certificate and her IB Learner Profile certificate.
I am very proud of you, Allison!!!