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What happens when a very sick Mommy and a little guy go to the urgent care clinic at the local grocery store?


2 clearance turkey sewing kits
3 clearance turkey pop-up timers
4 Uncle Ben's Ready Rice
2 bags Animal Crackers
1 clearance Christmas craft kit
1 Angel Food cake
1 tub frosting
1 rotisserie chicken (not pictured)

Not pictured because they were eaten before we got home...
1 loaf of french bread,
1 lollipop,
and 2 donuts

We waited for the urgent care to open. 
    Then we waited for the pharmacy to open.
         Then we waited for the prescriptions to be filled...
              Then we waited for a Rotisserie chicken...
         And finally, we left. 
             ...with prescriptions for Mommy, 
                 a chicken for dinner,
and a whole lot of other things we didn't technically "need".


Kids Art

Love these pictures that the kids colored at school!!

Giraffe, Elephant, and Snake by Allison
This is a picture of something you might see in Africa.

Colorful Snowman by Carter
I LOVE all the colors he is using.  A few months ago, he'd
put one scribble on a page and say he was done. 
So, this is great progress!


She's Toothless!

Allison lost her first tooth today!  Woo-hoo!

She was at school when it happened (during "rest time") and everyone in the class wanted to see.  When I picked her up, she was smiling at me with her mouth closed...until I got close and then she grinned a big toothless grin!  
In true Mommy fashion, I got tears in my eyes.  I am so proud!

I'd like to send out a  big thank-you to God for blessing me with two beautiful kids who add so much sparkle to my life!


Allison's 1st Loose Tooth

Allison's first loose tooth is almost as exciting as when it first came in!

She's been spending a lot of time wiggling it with her tongue and is hoping that it comes out soon!

Take a look...
It's her bottom right tooth... the crooked one on the left in this picture.

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle...