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Christmas 2011

  Christmas Eve - Ready to go to Mass.

Christmas Eve - Ready to go to Mass.

Christmas morning - looking to see what Santa brought.

Allison's gifts from Santa.

Carter got the helicopter that he asked Santa for!

Allison got the Pet Rock that she asked Santa for!

Allison got a Bon Jovi CD from Dad!


Christmas 2011: XBOX with Kinect

Might might be psuing the limits of blogger with this post of videos...

We got an XBOX with Kinect for Christmas.  The kids are having SO much fun with it!! 

And this is how it's played...

Allison playing Kinectimals.

Allison playing with her African Leopard on Kinectimals.

Allison playing Rallyball on Kinect Adventures.

Carter recording a dance for a prize "statue" they "won" on Kinect Adventures.

Thanks, Nana, Pop, and Uncle Brian!!!!
We love this gift!


We received this present in the mail and, as with any package that rattles, Carter immediately declared it to be "Lego".  (In an attempt to throw Carter off, if Daddy had been home when we got this he would have declared it to be "Soap" or something equally not likely to rattle...  So far, Carter's not buying it.  Anything that rattles is "Lego!")

So, having decided it was Lego, Carter tried to peak into the wrapping paper seam to see if he could tell which set it was!  STINKER!

I knew he wouldn't be able to see anything, so I let him look while I took these pictures.

I remember how exciting Christmas was when I was a kid...  It's fun to have a 5 year old and 7 year old this year.  They are both so very excited!

Carter is especially excited about all his "Lego!"


And the Winners Are....

...Allison and Carter!

Back in October Allison and Carter entered an essay contest to "Name the Shrunken Head" at the Buckeye Museum.  Allison won in her age group for 'best story' and Carter won is his age group for "Best Name".  The Buckeye Museum kept their entries and they will become part of the permanent recods at the museum... so I can't reprint Allison's essay here, but Carter's winning name for the shrunken head was 'Little Guy'.

The big question is... 
Is it a real shrunken head or a fake?
80% of shrunken heads are fakes.

It doesn't matter to us, though!  The kids did a great job on their contest entries and we are very proud of them!


Carter Loves Lego

CARTER:  All I want to do is Lego.
              I dreamed that my Lego are real.

ME:  Like the TV in the Lego store that makes them look real?

Carter leans back in surprise...

CARTER:  Yes! Like that!

He really loves Lego.


Sonoran Desert Museum, Tucson, AZ

Below is a video of the Raptor Free Flight demonstration at the Desert Museum in Tucson.  There was a "family" of 5 Harris' Hawks that were released to fly over our heads.  Unbelieveably beautiful.  An amazing demonstration with outstanding trainers and narrator.  The birds fly so close that I was brushed on the head by their feathers twice

Carter at Bat

Another video from a while ago...

September 24, 2011

This is Carter at bat at his first t-ball game!


My Lost Boy

A video from...
 August 26, 2011

I just came across this video of Allison in a dress rehearsal for her summer Musical Theater class.  The program was Peter Pan and she was one of the "Lost Boys"

I love this video! 

This was their final rehearsal in the studio and most kids are in costume.  The lighting is so much better for video taking, and I could get so much closer than when she's on stage! 

Plus, she can see me as I am filming...  and that brings out a couple of really cute smiles!