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Homemade Pizza

The nearly perfect pizza crust...

The...well... the other pizza crust...

Two Little "Army Guys" for Halloween

Here are my "Army Guys"!

Indian Girl

This is Allison's Indian hat from school...

All this week they learned about why Native American's are called "Indians"  (...because when Columbus arrived in America he thought he was in India) and they learned about some of the different tribes and also about the first Thanksgiving! 

Isn't Kindergarten cool?

Allison's "Happy Day"

Lego writing by Allison:

What Happens When You Can't Sit Nicely

MOMMY'S NOTE:  These pictures are from back in August...and Allison will probably cringe when she sees this someday.  But I am going to post it anyway!!

This is what happens when you can't sit nicely on the furniture...

...your chair gets taken away and you get to stand for dinner.

...and you hide your face in shame.

 ...and you put on your grumpy face.

...and the next day you sit nicely on the furniture.


Carter On His Nap

Carter doesn't nap anymore.  I try and try to get him to SLEEP at nap time! But what really happens is him hanging out in his room for 45 minutes while playing and poking his head out every 10 minutes to see if I'll let him "get up", yet. 

Everyday he claims that he has slept during nap time... 
     But he's 3, so what does he know?

Everyday I bribe him... 
     "If you sleep today - and I mean really sleep - you can go to bed second tonight."

Everyday I hope for a 2 hour nap...
     So Mommy can enjoy the peace and quiet!

And then today...
     Today he actually slept at nap time.
          Quiet and still.
     A good, peaceful, 45 minute nap!

And so after nap he makes this announcement:

Here's my problem...  Allison napped, too. And she's still napping! How will I ever get her to go to sleep first tonight?!

Lil' Dragons Karate Belt Testing

On October 21, the kids tested for their next belt in their Lil' Dragons Karate class.  Carter was testing for his 3rd belt - a Red belt.  And Allison was testing for her 5th belt - a half Brown & half Black belt.

Next step for Allison... 
Lil' Dragons BLACK BELT testing on November 20th!


ART by Carter

X's and O's!  For the whole family!